
August 24, 2024

Top 5 Best Programming Language to Learn First: A Beginner’s Guide

Choosing your first programming language can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Whether you’re interested in web development, mobile apps, or data science, selecting the right language to start with is crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore the best programming language to learn first, breaking down each option to help you make an informed decision.

Why the First Programming Language Matters?

The Foundation of Your Coding Journey

Your first programming language sets the tone for your coding journey. It’s like learning to ride a bike—the skills you develop with your first language will carry over to others, making future languages easier to learn. So it’s crucial to make the right call.

Learning Curve and Community Support

Some programming languages are easier to learn than others. Since, you’ll just start learning, It’s essential to pick a language with a gentle learning curve and a strong community of developers who can help you when you’re stuck.

Top Programming Languages for Beginners

1. Python: The Best Programming Language to Learn First?

Python is often hailed as the best programming language for beginners. Its simple syntax and readability make it an excellent choice for those new to coding.

Python: Best Programming Language to Learn First - Istiak Ahamed
  • Easy to Read and Write: Python’s syntax is clean and easy to understand, even for beginners.
  • Versatile: Python is used in web development, data science, AI, and more.
  • Strong Community Support: With an extensive community, you’ll find plenty of tutorials, forums, and resources to help you learn.

Learn More About Python

Personal insight

From my experience in the tech industry, Python has always been a go-to recommendation for newcomers. Even for myself, when I started learning programming, the simplicity of Python’s syntax allowed me to grasp fundamental concepts without getting overwhelmed by complex code structures. This ease of learning helped me build confidence quickly, and I could focus more on problem-solving rather than understanding the language itself because it’s almost like plain English. Over the years, I’ve seen countless new developers flourish by starting with Python, not just because it’s beginner-friendly but also because of its applicability across various fields. If you’re just getting into programming, Python is a great way to set a strong foundation.

2. JavaScript: The Language of the Web

JavaScript is another top contender for the best programming language to learn first, especially if you’re interested in web development, JavaScript will come in handy in pretty much everywhere.

JavaScript: Best Programming Language to Learn First - Istiak Ahamed
  • Essential for Web Development: JavaScript is the backbone of web development, used to create dynamic and interactive web pages.
  • Wide Usage: It’s a language that runs in every web browser, making it indispensable for front-end development.
  • Active Community: JavaScript has a massive community and numerous libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

Explore JavaScript Resources

Personal Insight

Well honestly speaking, learning JavaScript made my journey as a frontend developer a lot easier. It quickly became a vital tool in my arsenal. When I first started working on web projects, learning JavaScript felt like unlocking the full potential of the web. Its ability to bring static HTML and CSS to life opened up endless possibilities for creating dynamic user experiences. Over the time, I realized how integral JavaScript is to the web ecosystem; Beyond just being a scripting language, the ecosystem around JavaScript, including frameworks like React and Angular, has grown tremendously, making it more versatile and powerful. If you’re passionate about web development, mastering JavaScript is an absolute must—it’s the language that truly powers the web.

3. Java: A Long-Standing Favorite

Java has been around for decades and remains one of the most popular programming languages globally. It’s known for its portability and strong object-oriented features.

Java: Best Programming Language to Learn First - Istiak Ahamed
  • Object-Oriented: Java teaches you the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP), which are fundamental in many other languages.
  • Platform-Independent: Java’s “write once, run anywhere” philosophy makes it highly versatile.
  • Job Opportunities: Java is widely used in enterprise environments, ensuring plenty of job opportunities.

Learn Java Online

Personal insight

let’s be honest, I don’t have a strong grasp of Java yet. I’m still learning it but if you dig a little deeper you’ll know In the tech industry, Java has maintained its position as a powerhouse for several reasons. One of the main advantages of learning Java is its strong foundation in object-oriented programming (OOP). Understanding OOP concepts through Java can be a game-changer for aspiring developers because these principles are applicable in many other languages and help in structuring code in a logical and modular way.

4. C#: Ideal for Game Development

If you’re interested in game development, C# might be the best programming language to learn first. It’s the primary language for developing games in the Unity game engine.

C# - Best Programming Language to Learn First - Istiak Ahamed
  • Game Development: C# is widely used in the gaming industry, particularly with the Unity engine.
  • Rich Libraries: C# offers a robust set of libraries that make game development easier.
  • Cross-Platform: You can use C# to develop applications for Windows, Linux, and mobile platforms.

Get Started with C#

5. Swift: Best for iOS Development

Swift is the programming language developed by Apple for iOS and macOS applications. If you’re looking to develop apps for the Apple ecosystem, Swift is the way to go.

Swift: Best Programming Language to Learn First - Istiak Ahamed
  • Modern and Fast: Swift is a powerful language that’s easy to write and fast to execute.
  • Growing Popularity: As Apple continues to dominate the mobile market, Swift’s popularity keeps growing.
  • Great for Beginners: Swift’s syntax is designed to be beginner-friendly, with features that prevent common programming errors.

Learn Swift

Understanding Programming Paradigms

What Is a Programming Paradigm?

A programming paradigm is a way to classify programming languages based on their features. Understanding paradigms can help you choose the best programming language to learn first.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

OOP is a paradigm where programs are organized around objects rather than functions or logic. Languages like Java, C#, and Python are known for their strong OOP capabilities. It’s essential to learn this concept from the beginning so it’ll help you in the long run. So do some research before selection the best programming language to learn first.

OOP - Best Programming Language to Learn First - Istiak Ahamed

Functional Programming

Functional programming is a paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions. Languages like Haskell, Scala, and certain aspects of Python support functional programming.

Other Considerations When Choosing a Language

Job Market Demand

When choosing the best programming language to learn first, consider the job market. Languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java have strong demand, offering more job opportunities. Make sure to do a through research on this.

Community and Learning Resources

When it comes to chosing the best programming language to learn first, A strong community and ample learning resources can make a huge difference when learning a new language. Python and JavaScript have some of the most active communities and comprehensive learning resources.

Long-Term Relevance

Some languages stand the test of time better than others. Java, for example, has been popular for decades and continues to be widely used.

Languages for Specific Goals

Best Language for Web Development

If web development is your goal, without any doubts, JavaScript is the best programming language to learn first. You may also consider start learning with python, but then again for the frontend you will need JavaScript anyways, so it’s a no skip zone. If you were ever to work on a web development project JavaScript is a must-have skill

Best Language for Data Science

For those interested in data science, artificial intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML), Python is the best programming language to learn first and nothing else. You’ll be shocked to learn that even google behind the scenes use Python to work with their data.

Data science - Best Programming Language to Learn First - Istiak Ahamed

Best Language for Mobile Development

Well mobile development is a little complex because we have IOS, Android OS out there. And Both have a different syntax. So if you’re planning on IOS developement, Swift is the go-to language for iOS development, while Java or Kotlin is best for Android.

Making the Final Decision

Consider Your Goals

The best programming language to learn first depends on what you want to achieve. Whether it’s web development, data science, or game development, aligning your choice with your goals is crucial.

Explore Multiple Languages

While it’s generally recommended to focus on one language, there’s value in exploring multiple languages. This approach can give you a broader perspective and help you decide which language resonates with you the most.


Key Takeaways

Choosing the best programming language to learn first is a significant step in your coding journey. Consider factors like the language’s learning curve, community support, and alignment with your goals.

What would I choose if it was me?

well, it will still be python. When I said that python is the first language I learnt it doesn’t mean it was the first language I tried. I tried a lot of other languages before trying python out. Unfortunately none of them were good enough to give me a proper understanding. I had to learn about the syntax and understand how to language works and then only start with the fundamentals. Yet after that I had to learn more advanced topics like OOP, DBMS and so on.

But if I had to choose one other than python. It’ll be JavaScript. With the addition of Node.Js you can do both back end development and Frontend developement at once. So yeah it’ll be JavaScript

Final Thoughts

Remember, there’s no wrong choice. The most important thing is to start coding and enjoy the learning process. As you progress, you’ll gain the skills needed to tackle new languages with confidence.